Managing People & Projects

Get the key skills to motivate teams, grow your emotional intelligence, delegate & manage conflict professionally. Get the key project management skills you need to succeed in your management role today.

Module 1 (3 Days)
Successfully Managing People

Key Competencies

  • Motivation, delegation and giving feedback
  • Managing conflicts
  • People management skills
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Ethical leadership

Learn, Practice and Use

  • Motivate every member of your team—even if they are very different
  • Adjust your management and personal style to the needs of different situations
  • Resolve conflict more effectively in a wide variety of situations
  • Get more done by using the best delegation techniques for each situation
  • Turn difficult people and poor performers into team players
  • Win the cooperation and trust from people in your organization
  • Increase your confidence, management skills, and personal and professional satisfaction in your job by managing people successfully
  • Use positive and corrective feedback to turn problem employees around and maximize productivity

Full Module details

The Experience of Being a Manager

  • How to get people to want to do what they’re supposed to do
  • Specific challenges you face when motivating others


  • Values and their impact on work life
  • How values can have productive and nonproductive results
  • Identify value conflicts in yourself and in others

Personal Styles

  • Determine your own personal style profile
  • Gain insight into the strengths and limitations of your profile
  • Use behavioural clues to determine others’ personal styles
  • How to work more effectively with other personal profiles


  • Employee motivation factors and their impact on behaviours and work settings
  • How to tailor your motivational efforts to individual employees and different situations

Listening, Body Language, Giving Feedback, and Dealing with Difficult People

  • Use active listening to gain information and understand employees’ perspectives
  • Effectively apply positive and corrective feedback
  • Use appropriate values alignment when dealing with difficult employees

Conflict Management

  • The dimensions of conflict resolution
  • Identify your own preferred conflict-resolution styles for better conflict management
  • Use different conflict resolution styles in different situations


  • Different delegation styles: How and when to use them
  • Determine the appropriate delegation style for employees and situations

Understanding Organizational Culture and Subculture

  • The impact of organizational culture and subculture and “cultural blinders”
  • Explore the assumptions that impact your team’s thinking and actions
  • Identify and build on the strengths of your team’s culture

Emotional Intelligence

  • The components of emotional intelligence
  • Gain an honest and accurate assessment of yourself
  • Develop an improvement strategy

Ethical Leadership

  • Identify your group’s values
  • Your vision for ethical leadership

Action Planning

  • Develop a specific plan for applying what you’ve learned back on the job
  • Identify people who can support your action plans

Module 2 (2 Days)
Essentials of Project Management

Key Competencies

  • Project management skills
  • Stakeholder management
  • Change management
  • Using key PM tools
  • Managing resources & costs
  • Risk management

Learn, Practice and Use

  • Learn the difference between projects and operations
  • Explore the purpose and processes of project management
  • Understand the roles, responsibilities and needs of project team members
  • Learn and apply critical project management tools
  • Identify stakeholders, their relationships to each other and how these relationships affect projects positively and negatively
  • Recognize stakeholder issues within your organization
  • Identify and apply critical communication tools and protocols
  • Learn how to manage resources, costs and hours
  • Plan for potential risks in your project

Full Module details

Getting Your Hands Around Project Management

  • Distinguish Between a Project and Operations
  • Recognise the Factors That Contribute to Project Success or Failure
  • Identify the Framework for Project Management

Getting It Off the Ground

  • Recognise the Value of Knowing Why/How a Project Is Important to the Organization and to You
  • Explain the Elements of a Charter and Its Relevance to Initiating a Project
  • Identify Stakeholders and Their Roles on a Project

Planning the Work

  • Apply Techniques to Define the Work to Be Done
  • Identify and Apply Techniques to Estimate Needed Resources, Cost, and Hours for the Project
  • Apply Techniques to Schedule the Project
  • Identify Roles and Responsibilities for the Project
  • Plan for Potential Risks to the Project

Working the Plan

  • Build an Effective Status Report
  • Recognise the Types and Purposes of Meetings
  • Identify Action Items and Issues
  • Recognise the Importance of Managing Change

Putting It to Bed

  • Contribute to the Lessons Learned Database
  • Identify the Project Records and Files That Must Be Archived for Historical Purposes
  • Describe a Project Closure Checklist

Dates & Locations

23 Sep – 27 Sep (Brussels) 
7 Oct – 11 Oct (Frankfurt)
4 Nov – 8 Nov (Paris)


5 Day(s)



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