Amal Barhoush

Faculty PictureAmal is an experienced facilitator and an executive and leadership coach with 20 years of corporate experience. She has a diverse background stemming from taking on senior regional leadership positions in a range of functions including sales and marketing, strategic planning, project management, corporate communications, and human resources. Amal works with organizations and leaders across all levels of management and from different regions to dig deep within themselves, unlock their potential, discover possibilities for themselves and their teams, and c-create a positive transformation that drives results.

Professional background

Amal has a strong business professional background with 20 years of hands-on experience across a range of functions. She started her career in sales and marketing within the pharmaceutical industry and then made her way up the corporate ladder, becoming an executive team member. She held senior regional leadership roles in marketing (Marketing Director, Levant), strategic planning (Strategic Projects Director, MENA), human resources (HR Director, MENA) and corporate communications. As a result of her extensive corporate and leadership background, Amal is well-positioned to understand the challenges leaders and managers and is well equipped to support them navigate through organizational complexity, change, role transitions, and to support them as they define and develop their own leadership capabilities.

Education and qualifications

B.Sc. Pharmacy, Jordan University of Science & Technology


Amal has lived in four countries. She is currently based in Jordan with her family.