Managing Priorities for Max Productivity

Managing Priorities for Max Productivity

Effectively plan and manage workflow in order to get optimal results and minimize stress.

To be successful and add value in business, every individual must have the skills to effectively manage and prioritize their workflow. Acquire the knowledge and insights to create a forward-moving plan for any job, be able to prioritize tasks for maximum efficiency and sharpen your focus for getting the job done.

This OnDemand Course contains the following lessons:

Planning for Success
Learn how to set goals, align your tasks to those goals and then prioritize and schedule the tasks with efficiency and clarity.

Creating Boundaries and Balance
Gain insights to help you set professional boundaries and coordinate work demands with personal responsibilities so you can maintain a well-balanced life.

Routines that Support Efficiency and Productivity
Construct focused work routines, maintain an efficiently balanced workload, connect with peers in a meaningful way, use technology to your benefit and more.

Managing Your Workload: How to Prioritize When Everything is Important
Take control of your workload using proven tips and techniques so you can reduce stress and manage multiple priorities that compete for your time and energy.

Tame Your Email Inbox with Microsoft® Outlook®
Maintain your productivity and sanity at work by taking charge of your emails, organizing your work schedule and improving the way you communicate with others.

Price:  €225  

OnDemand entire library :  €450

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What is OnDemand?

MCE in partnership with our parent company AMA is now offering AMA’s OnDemand Training in the EMEA region. These training programmes are online self-paced learning that you can access anywhere and anytime.


Access the courses anywhere, anytime with an internet connection. You will receive a certificate of completion for every successful lesson.

Short Course

Most courses are 240 minutes long & consists of short modules of about 15-20 minutes with a clear learning objective. 


Each course includes videos, quizzes, audio, exercises, reading, making decisions, assessments and more.

Package Price

Each course costs €225. However you can get full access to the entire OnDemand library at €450.

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