The Business of Sharing: Making it in the New Sharing Economy

The Business of Sharing: Making it in the New Sharing Economy
February 25th, 2016 Lee

AUTHOR: Alex Stephany
PUBLISHER: Palgrave Macmillan : ISBN 978-1-137-37617-6

What’s it about ? An Insider’ Guide to the NEXT economy. Like it or not as a model it’s packed with tips, tricks and trends that will govern not only how we deal with the digital economy, but everything that will change our lives and those who work for us and with us. The author, Alex Stephany, is the CEO of JustPark (formerly ParkatmyHouse), a leading sharing economy business, backed by the venture capital arm of BMW.Just Park claims to be the world’s largest website for shared parking with over a million customers.

Who’s it for ? Too easy to just say “everyone”. But it is. This book is a real eye-opener, well written and well researched, with some page-turning moments as well.

Why read it ?  If you don’t understand what’s already happened to the economy and how it impacts the people you work with, you’ll never be able to reap the advantages of being in front of the “sharing” revolution. And if you’re an HR professional you need to know at a minimum why all your employees are staring at their phones all day. They’re “App. – happy”, which is the downside of this book. Conjuring up a dystopian world where everything is a commodity based on data. You can be creative, but technology ultimately takes over. As you read it, remember for everyone who made it big, there were thousands of Aps that never, ever caught on. This book chronicles the winners and why they matter.

What’s the style ?  Fast-paced, slightly breathless, but a fun and informed read, Our advice is take it on vacation with you and learn something useful while getting a tan.
… and the best advice ? let’s quote author, Alex Stephany , “The sharing economy is sustainable because it is anchored firmly on self-interest and free market principles. While sharing traditionally left people with less, sharing in this economy is a market-based transaction that leaves people with more – most often in the form of money. He ends, “The self-interest piece can hook people in but that is not what keeps them engaged in this economy. The answer just might change the world.”
… and if only time to read one chapter ? Chapter Three : Founders : Great insights into how some of the sharing revolution movers and shakers made it and why.

How MCE Rate it ?  A five-star digital primer. That does what a book should – make you think.

How to buy it: at Palgrave Enter the discount code PM15THIRTY at checkout for a 30% discount (Amazon currently has no discount)
at Amazon

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