Jens Holmboe Bang

Faculty PictureJens brings to MCE’s leadership curriculum his extensive experience in Leadership and Organisational Development. He provides consultancy services, facilitation, training and coaching in Leadership, Team Dynamics and Management of Change, which he has delivered throughout Europe, Middle-east, Africa and Asia. He has in-depth knowledge of the IT, Consultancy and Manufacturing industries as well as the functioning and development of international public organisations.

Professional background

Jens spent most of his career in the Consulting, Training and Coaching functions.
At the Thierry School of Leadership in Brussels, he was an Associate Director, responsible for programme development and training in managerial leadership, values and responsibilities of leaders. He was an external professor for the MBA Leadership Programme at UBI (United Business Institutes) and conducted an Executive MBA programme in Vietnam.
As a business expert, Jens participates in panel discussions and produces white papers on the leadership development trends of European businesses and organisations.
Previous to this, Jens was the Brussels Head of Office for the Organisation of Employers and Businesses delivering seminars and providing companies and organisations with advice on organisational development, HR and industrial relations, business and management issues with particular focus on European topics. He was in charge of business competitiveness and innovation projects.
Jens started his career as business lawyer and moved on to work as a consultant in human and organisational development to the Danish Employers Confederation Consulting Section. He spent one year as external organisational consultant and direct adviser to the Danish Minister of Commerce and Business.
He subsequently became organisational development consultant with SC-Sorensen, Denmark and Spain. His main activities included training and development, performance and competence development, recruitment, selection, and team building.

Education and qualifications

Jens holds a Bachelor in Psychology and a Master in Law and Management from the University of Copenhagen. He received an MBA from the United Business Institutes, Brussels and Mercer University, Atlanta, US. He studied leadership at Harvard University. He also has a Diploma in International Relations, and he is certified in several personal, leadership and organizational development tools, such as MBTI, Emotional Intelligence Inventories, and Leadership Assessment personality assessments.


Jens is passionate about continuous personal and professional development and among his interests are cultural understanding and collaboration. He is member of several professional networks in positive psychology, emotional intelligence, neuroscience and psychology as well as the Harvard Negotiation Project.

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