Bettina Hausmann

Faculty PictureBettina helps professionals succeed as strategists, communicators, and leaders: through strategic counsel, training and coaching. She has supported clients from over 100 countries, including CEOs, board members, and policymakers in their positioning, stakeholder outreach and reputation management.
Having led global teams, acted as a CEO and served as a Board member, Bettina is well-positioned to understand the challenges leaders and managers face when shaping and communicating strategy, and leading change.

Professional background

Bettina has been teaming up with MCE for more than a decade. Before that, she worked as a director at Hill+Knowlton, a leading public relations and public affairs consultancy. In this role, she helped public policy and corporate leaders shape strategy and communicate effectively, with a strong focus on media communication and reputation management. 
Bettina serves on the Supervisory Board of a stock listed company. In 2016, she stepped in as interim CEO of a patient advocacy platform, in their transition to new leadership. With her team, she represented 1.2 million people living with chronic disease in Europe.
In her early career, Bettina worked as an independent consultant for the German Federal Chancellery (including speech writing for the German chancellor) and with the European Commission. 
Bettina also organized mid-career training for journalists for the Netherlands-based European Journalism Centre, with a focus on both content and leadership matters.

Education and qualifications

Bettina studied Roman languages and Political Sciences in Cologne and Freiburg. She is a trained NLP practitioner and also graduated with a practitioner diploma from the London-based Academy of Executive Coaching. She holds a Systemic Team Coaching Certificate, from the Academy of Executive Coaching and a Diploma in Resilience Coaching (Resilience Engine/AOEC); she is Insights certified.


Having lived and worked in six countries, Bettina has a truly intercultural profile. She lives with her family in Brussels.

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