MCE Executive Updates

Join an MCE Executive Update session to network, learn from peers, and engage in valuable knowledge-sharing experiences.

MCE Executive Update sessions offer professionals many benefits, including networking opportunities, access to industry insights and best practices, participation in interactive discussions, inspiration for new ideas, and convenience, as sessions can be joined in top locations across the EMEA or online.

MCE Business Breakfasts

A 2-hour interactive business presentation and discussion, providing hands-on insights and tools for application in your company and professional career. There are also opportunities for networking with other senior managers, HR professionals, and thought experts in the topic. Fresh breakfast is served either at your company or in top locations across European cities.



MCE Executive Roundtables

A 90 minutes long roundtable meeting for peers to discuss business topics and share experience. Each roundtable includes 10 to 20 people from various companies and nationalities to ensure a rich and diversified exchange. After each session, a summary is sent to participants and is available to all MCE members. Participation is free-of-charge but is by invitation only.



Contact us for your next Executive Update 

Contact us online via our contact form
or simply give us a call at +32 (0) 2 543 21 20



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