AMA Certified Professional in Management™


Maintain your Certification

AMA Certified Professional in Management ®

MCE, as part of AMA Global, is launching AMA’s Certified Professional in Management®  in the EMEA Region.

Path to Maintaining the Credential (Recertification)

To maintain your AMA Certified Professional in Management® (CPM) credential, it is necessary to recertify every 3 years. During the 3-year re-certification period, you must accumulate 60 Professional Management Units (PMUs) attained through additional education and activities that help advance the profession.

60 Professional Management Units Required to Recertify

Minimum PMUs

Maximum PMUs

Education 32 PMUs No Maximum
Work No Minimum 8 PMUs
Volunteering or Creating/Presenting Content No Minimum 20 PMUs

Education – 32 PMUs Minimum: 1 Hour = 1 PMU

Education PMUs

3 PMUs minimum in the domain of Professional Effectiveness
3 PMUs minimum in the domain of Professional Effectiveness
3 PMUs minimum in the domain of Professional Effectiveness
3 PMUs minimum in the domain of Professional Effectiveness

Education Can Be:

  • Formal— attending a class or seminar (Evidence for audit—certificate of completion, transcript or badge)
  • Informal— participating in self education through reading or attending informal venues such as “lunch and learns”; teaching or presenting (Evidence for audit—notes and dates of education)

Advancing the Profession – 28 PMUs Maximum: 1 Hour = 1 PMU

  • 8 PMUs maximum working
  • 20 PMUs maximum volunteering

Work Is Defined As:

  • Serving as an active contributing team member
  • Serving as a team lead
  • Having responsibility for organizing other team members
  • Driving and motivating team members
  • Acting as an influencer or “go-to” person without title authority
  • Managing 1 or more direct reports
  • Possessing functional or technical expertise

(Evidence for audit—Documentation of the equivalent of 1 year minimum of full-time employment [2,000 hours] during the time you hold your credential)

CPM Maintain

Volunteering Is Defined As:

Serving on the Certification Steering Committee 20 PMUs Includes Meetings and Conference Calls
Serving on the Advisory Board 20 PMUs Includes Meetings and Conference Calls
Providing Subject Matter Expertise for AMA CPM® Examination Development 16 PMUs 2-Day Meeting
8 PMUs 1-Day Meeting
1 PMU Conference Call

Creating or Presenting Content Is Defined As:

Preparing and Presenting Material in an Informal Venue Such as a “Lunch and Learn” 5 PMUs
Preparing and Presenting a Presentation at a Conference 10 PMUs
Preparing and Publishing a Peer-Reviewed Professional Journal Article 15 PMUs
Preparing and Presenting a College Course on Management 20 PMUs
Writing a Chapter on Management for an Edited Volume 20 PMUs

(Evidence for audit—copy of presentation, publication and/or course curriculum)

CPM maintain image


AMA Certified Professional in Management ®

For questions and enquiries, contact the MCE team today.

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