Making Meetings Matter – How Smart Leaders Orchestrate Powerful Conversations in the Digital Age

Making Meetings Matter – How Smart Leaders Orchestrate Powerful Conversations in the Digital Age
November 2nd, 2016 David Goodwin

AUTHOR: James Ware
PUBLISHER: Indie books International: ISBN 10: 1941870-48-8

What’s it about? Jim Ware begins with a simple premise: we all hate meetings but we are drawn to them anyway like moths round a flame. Can’t afford to miss out, yet need to assert our presence. Author, Jim Ware’s  job with this book (and he does it particularly well) is to explain, in case we haven’t already worked it out for ourselves, is that the games changed. We’re digital natives and global players and yet we still persist in huddling around a meeting table. Mr Ware’s question in this book is “WHY?”.

Who’s it for? Probably for everyone who’s tired of turning up a meeting that just seems to never cease. Jim Ware tries his best to bring some focus to the meeting maelstrom we live in and chop through the blizzard of email, reports and memos it generates as time-sucking collateral damage.
What’s the style? Pretty down-to-earth, with enough facts to frighten any sane office worker (are there really 12 billion meetings in the U.S. every year?). The author won’t win a Pulitzer but he does marshal his facts and arguments and solutions in a logical fashion.

and the best advice? Has to be Chapter 1 (page 21) where he lists, what he terms” New Rule.”(there’s 8 of them) These are to-the-point-personalised and linked to real people. Great for getting to grips with today’s realities.

and if only time to read one chapter: Chapter 6 (page 133) ”What if Everyone is Somewhere Else?”: Again a full of sensible advice . Today’s business happens everywhere,  and, so, do meetings, how you organize and get the best out of. It is up to you – this book helps you think through how to do it.

Why read it? It may just help you do the big thing, say “NO” top senseless get-togethers or at the very least organize them in some practical way. Just remember, don’t end up in a meeting about it!

How MCE Rate it? We’ll give it four out of five for practical insights and put a human face on a big issue that we all love to hate. You’ll never stop meetings, you just might make it more productive. Let’s have a meeting a discuss.

How to buy it? Slip out your credit card and go Google it or use the ubiquitous Amazon.

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