The 6 key influencing skills for every manager

The 6 key influencing skills for every manager
February 25th, 2016 Lee

The key to success is to influence others…

The business world is complex and more and more stakeholders have a say in the game. Whether you like it or not, you can’t get things done alone! In this environment, which is multi-gender, multi-cultural and multinational, the focus is on teamwork and achieving results through others, even when you have no authority. To get people to support you and your goals, you need to learn how to influence. You need to gain trust and commitment and ultimately achieve your goals.

Whether you are an individual contributor, a manager or a leader in the organization, you will be challenged by your peers, senior managers, customers, providers and even your business partners. It can be difficult to accomplish your work and get things done. It goes without saying that dealing with friends or supporters is much easier than having to manage conflicts and tensions. But in most circumstances, you will have to learn how to influence and impact people.

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