
Managing People and Teams

How lead and manage the teams effectively?

Managing people is at the core of being a manager and that often goes beyond just managing the work that needs to be done. It’s managing the person doing the work in a way that encourages their strengths, identifies their weaknesses, and balances that against the goals of the organization. When managers have strong people skills, this helps them to build positive working relationships with their team, but also their leadership. 

MCE offers programmes focused on the key aspects of managing people
in international organizations.

Key Competences

Managing your People and Teams

You’ve got a lot on your plate. A multicultural workforce with generational clashes, plus culture and values differences. Employees who offer resistance rather than support. Flatter organizations with shifting priorities and rising expectations. 

How do you create a real team spirit and get your people working together?
How do you delegate and motivate your team and create a culture of accountability?
How do you get the most out of everyone and align the whole team in one direction to achieve your objectives? 

Get the key skills you need to manage and motivate, to delegate
and to become a great all-round manager.

Related Programmes


Managing People
in an International

Essentials of

Key Management Skills For Government and Public Organizations

Key Management Skills: For Government and Public Organizations

Managing Virtual and Remote Teams

Are you a manager overseeing some employees in an office and others working remotely? If so, you already know the unique challenges in terms of communication, collaboration and setting up meetings that work for everyone.

How do you keep everyone connected?
How do you ensure clear communication and collaboration when everyone isn’t in the same place?
And how do you maintain trust, productivity, and engagement across the team during times of constant change?

Learn how to use best practice communication skills for managing a team remotely.

Related Programmes

Virtual Teams

Hybrid Teams