

Building the right skills for the energy sector.

The energy industry in the EMEA region is diverse and is a very important sector. Let’s look at some of the issues in the key regions.

In Europe, there is a focus on reducing fossil fuel dependency driven by the EU’s Green Deal. This is driving a focus on renewable energy sources like hydroelectric, wind and solar, but also a refocus on nuclear energy in some states. The EU is also working on integrating energy markets across member states.

The Middle East remains a major player in the global energy market with still a heavy focus on oil and natural gas reserves. But countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and USE and investing more and more in renewable energy to create a better mix for the future. Hydrogen is also being looked as a potential future strategy.

Africa’s energy sector is a mix of traditional and renewable energy sources. Solar and wind are key in the diversification of sources and providing better access across the region. There are also many targets focused on improving the energy infrastructure and attract more local and foreign investment.

Let’s look at some of the issues faced by companies in the Energy sector in the EMEA region.

Investing in Innovation

To be competitive, energy companies need to invest.

Updating Infrastructures

Across the EMEA region, the infrastructure is aging and there is an urgent need to upgrade power grids and storage.

Attracting New Talent

The image of the industry can be a little bit “old fashioned” for newer generations. So companies need to make sure that new talent has development opportunities and are part of the change of the industry.

Employee Retention

The market can be competitive for employees in the sector. So, companies need to focus on key issues like career development, positive working environments and employee engagement.

Transition to Renewable Energy

Transition to Renewable Energy Moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is not easy. To achieve it means investment in infrastructure, employee development, and technology.

Developing New Skills

As the industry evolves, companies need to develop and redevelop staff with new skills to prepare for the future.

Geopolitical Risks

Political instability across the EMEA region can disrupt supply chains and impact prices. Managing these risks is a key part of any strategy. Aging Populations: There is a growing demand for drugs to deal with age-related health issues – this is both an opportunity and a challenge. Where is your company going in the future?

Financial Stability

The market can be volatile and maintaining stability is key. Companies need to find the right balance between investment and shareholder returns.

MCE Recommends

MCE works with many companies in the Energy Sector and helps their people develop the skills and behaviours they need to deal with the day-to-day challenges. Let’s look at some of the recommended solutions for you and your people.

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