MCE, as part of AMA Global, is launching AMA’s Certified Professional in Management® in the EMEA Region.
AMA’s Certification in Management (AMA-CPM®) preparation programs and resources are recommended tools to help candidates prepare for the Certification in Management (AMA-CPM®) exam. It is strongly encouraged to take an instructor-led course, self-study with The Management Body of Knowledge, or complete the practice exam to help prepare for the exam experience.
Take the CPM Quiz!
Certification shows that you have the skills, knowledge, and experience successful managers need. As a manager, are you confident you already meet these high standards?
Instructor-Led Exam Prep Courses
Live Online Course
AMA’s Certified Professional in Management Exam Prep Express is four 3-hour online sessions led by an expert instructor over four days. This express course covers the key management skills required to be a well-rounded, knowledgeable and skilled manager as covered by The Management Body of Knowledge which is included with your registration for the course.
Face-to-Face Classroom Course
AMA’s Certified Professional in Management Exam Prep Course helps candidates explore and practice foundational skills required to be successful in management, outlined in an authoritative body of knowledge, and as such is a valuable (though not required) resource to prepare for the CPM exam. Registration for this course includes a copy of The Management Body of Knowledge.
The Management Body of Knowledge
This essential resource is AMA’s flagship publication and outlines the best combination of knowledge, skills and abilities that managers need to successfully perform and deliver results in today’s complex business world. This resource guide has been designed as the benchmark of essential management tools and key competencies.