

Equatorial Guinea Nationals Leadership Programme
About the Company
Atlantic Methanol Production Company LLC (AMPCO) runs a world scale methanol plant located on Bioko Island in Equatorial Guinea, West Africa. AMPCO’s Punta Europa plant is one of the safest and most reliable methanol plants in the world. The plant started production in 2001 and produces roughly 1,000,000 metric tons of methanol per year. With its location in the Atlantic Basin, AMPCO is strategically located to supply markets in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia.


AMPCO has many different technical and leadership roles including operators, maintenance technicians, other plant roles as well as administrative support. The employees benefit from and seek relevant learning and development opportunities to further their careers within AMPCO.

Nancy Ampim Elonga, AMPCO’s Vice President Of HR & Corporate Affairs explained that the HR team is a vital part of the organization, and they support employee development with many learning initiatives. “People are the foundation of our company and AMPCO has heavily invested in training in the past”, explained Nancy. Areas covered ranged from technical knowledge to interpersonal skills and the importance of these, lies in having a more motivated workforce with internationally competitive skills that ultimately drive the company to sustainably achieve its goals.

To date Leadership has not been a key part of the learning & development initiatives, but to reach future goals, AMPCO recognized it needed a highly competent and effective future leadership pipeline.

Find out more about how MCE and AMPCO worked together to develop the EGN Leadership Development Programme. The AMPCO Client Story includes:

  • Finding the Right Partner
  • The Collaborative Process
  • Developing the Solution
  • The AMPCO EGN Leadership
  • Development Programme
  • The Feedback
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