Management Centre Europe (MCE)

MCE City Hubs

Hello! Bonjour! Buenos dias! Guten Tag! Grüezi! Marhaba! Goedendag! Bon dia! God dag!…

At Management Centre Europe (MCE), we have been listening very hard to our clients over the past months. You have told us that budgets are tight and that travelling abroad for a training programme can be very difficult. You also told us that shorter and more frequent programmes would better match your needs.

You want to get maximum impact from the training programme, but in 2 or 3 days if possible and closer to your home.

Management Centre Europe (MCE) is now near to you.

This is very clear and positive feedback and as a result we are pleased to announce the following:

  1. MCE is now running our top selling programmes in more than 10 key cities across Europe and the Middle East.
  2. We continue developing a full range of 2 and 3 day programmes for you. These programmes cover all levels in the organization including Administrative Professionals, Supervisors, New Managers, Managers and Senior Directors.
  3. A more attractive pricing for you and your colleagues with the MCE Corporate Club and new learning packages to support your company.

Management Centre Europe - City Hubs