Management Centre Europe (MCE)

Can the World be Wrong?

AUTHOR: Doug Miller
PUBLISHER: Greenleaf Publishing : ISBN 13-978-1-78353-422-7

What’s it about ? : As author Doug Miller writes, “the sharp decline in trust in institutions and the rise of the internet and social media use across the world are not just historic trends. They have real consequences in the world.” This books outlines and underscores the fact that there’s nowhere to hide anymore no matter how you try and bury what you’ve done wrong. More than that, this insightful book acts as a huge big warning to anyone in any organization, anywhere, if you can’t read the signs – you’re already in trouble.

Who’s it for ? : Every manager and business leader who’s ever tried to plan for tomorrow. This book is packed to the rafters with incisive indicators that “business leaders and policy-makers follow closely and thoughtful citizens need to understand.” Go out and buy a copy and insist that every member of your management team read it.

Why read it ?: It will give you a real insight into coming trends and allow you to ready your organization for the chaos that is all too predictable. Author Doug Miller, the founder of GlobeScan, has been forecasting global trends for decades. He gets a lot of them right and needs to be listened to. Talk of trends on a global collision course should send shivers down the spine of the steeliest of CEOs.

What’s the style ? : Not that easy to read, but worth it. Keep it beside your bed and wonder why you can’t sleep.

… and the best advice …? : The simple realization that CEOs need to build trust with their stakeholders as so well put in the book by former CEO of General Motors, Jack Welch, “One thing I learned during my years as CEO is that perception matters, And in these times when public confidence and trust have been shaken, I’ve learned the hard way that perception matters more than ever.”

… and if only time to read one chapter ?: Chapter 13 (page 149) is short but brutally succinct. While predicting several mega-calamities that should focus the brain of any CEO it also contains some good news. Read it.. it might just stave off those nagging doubts that Armageddon is around the corner.

How MCE Rate it ? : This book comes (we reckon) with about a million dollars worth of advice. The detail at the end is priceless. So although it is more of solid work than inspiration, we’ll give it five out of five.

How to buy it ? : Slip out your credit card and go Google it or use the ubiquitous Amazon.