Management Centre Europe (MCE)

Train Individuals, Not Employees, in a Human-Centric Approach

Employers must stop looking at employees as “assets” for
the company, and instead see them as the individuals they
are. Your employees are, first and foremost, people.

People have emotions. When they feel taken care of, they are more likely to return that treatment with gratitude, loyalty, and strong performance.
Unfortunately, too many companies value the bottom line over anything else, blinding themselves to the fact that there are other factors that are pivotal to their success. If you push your employees too hard to be productive and have high levels of output, they may feel burnout. In the long run, this approach could cost more money than it produces, as high rates of employee turnover mean additional spending to train and onboard replacements.

In recent years, many workplaces have focused more on the concept of emotional intelligence, or EQ. As defined by Lauren Landry in a 2019 article for Harvard Business School, “Why Emotional Intelligence Is Important in Leadership,” EQ is “the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you.” This has become an important leadership skill in the business world because it is an essential facet of several responsibilities, such as conflict resolution and empathy.

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About Writer

Craig Goodliffe is the founder and CEO of Cyberbacker, a company that aims to provide